Oregon Summer Fishing Update: 2020 July


The Columbia is open for Salmon again! With good numbers and an updated run size fisheries managers have decided to give us a short season and then check the numbers again for another possible re opener…..This is a great time of year to get into some really nice Columbia river Salmon, with many of them over 20lbs and up to 40lbs.
ANOTHER OPTION is fishing the ocean out of Hammond Oregon. This is the best time of year to be in the ocean chasing Coho and King Salmon. This year we have a smaller quota for our ocean fishery so make sure you do not wait to long and miss out. These are the LIMIT OUT days or FILL THE FREEZER days everyone is always looking for! These are amazing table fair fish right out of the ocean! We can also throw out crab pots for DUNGENESS CRAB to go with your Salmon for dinner!
DON’T WANT TO FISH IN THE OCEAN??? Well if the ocean is not for you then we can stay in the river and do some excellent STURGEON fishing out of Hammond on the Columbia river. July and early August is prime time for estuary Sturgeon. This fishery is guaranteed to wear you out, it is not uncommon to have 30+ fish days and these fish range from 2ft-10ft long! This is a catch and release world class fishery that people come from all around the globe to fish!


This is the famous BOUY 10 fishery on the Columbia River near Astoria Oregon. If you have never experienced this fishery I highly recommend it. This is the time of year that our Fall King Salmon run starts making its way up the Columbia River and it is pretty amazing fishing. These fish just absolutely crush the rods and are on a feeding frenzy before heading up the river for their long journey to spawn. This is where it all starts, the kick off to the fall king season! This is what we all wait for every year all year long! I will stay fishing here thru august 27th and then move up to intercept them again below Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River Gorge.


I will be fishing below and above Bonneville Dam thru sept 8th, then they close the river down for a couple weeks(thru the 22nd). From there I will move down to TILLAMOOK BAY for some fresh KINGS right out of the salt and some great DUNGENESS CRABBING!
Then starting on the 23rd I will be moving back up to Bonneville Dam, where I will be fishing thru at least the 2nd week of October. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS OUT! We catch King Salmon everyday in the fall and MOST DAYS WITH BOAT LIMITS!
Do you have a big group? Work trip? Bachelor party? Team building etc…… If so I partner with other boats and we can accommodate any size group!
CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR DATES AND DON’T MISS OUT ON THE BEST SALMON FISHING THE NW HAS TO OFFER! 503-310-5724 TEXT OR CALL! you can also email anytime! benparkerfishing@gmail.com!
CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR DATES AND DON’T MISS OUT ON THE BEST SALMON FISHING THE NW HAS TO OFFER! 503-310-5724 TEXT OR CALL! you can also email anytime! benparkerfishing@gmail.com!